Inflammation, Is it good or bad?
Let's start at the beginning.
Inflammation is normal and a good thing.
Let me explain:
It is normal if you get the flu or cold, break a bone,
are in a accident, get a bacterial infection, have a fungal infection or a parasites problem. There are other things
that will trigger off inflammation but
you get the picture.
When these things happen to us our immune
system will trigger of an inflammation
response. This is called a fever.
Yes a fever is a life saving inflammation
response to keep us alive. This fever
helps the immune system know that it needs
to make more immune cells to kill the enemy within.
In the case of an injury the inflammation
response helps to heal and repair what is hurt or broken. When the repair is done
the inflammation response is turned off.
The bad type of inflammation is when it does not shut itself off.
This is when our body gets into a loop of
destruction of its own tissue.
Like in the case of auto-immune diseases.
Many people ask me how can I turn off this
type of inflammation?
Body Weight Tip
Start by the foods that you eat.
There are some that are very bad like white sugar. The body looks at white sugar as a
simple sugar. Milk also because of the chemical process they use. Try to eat foods
that are chemical free as much as possible.
Did you know that the average adult consumes 5 pounds of food additives each year!
As you can see there are reasons that our body
will trigger an inflammation response. This is our bodies way of trying to get us to change
the environment of our internal system, because
it does not have what it needs to turn off
Doing even small things, like reading labels for chemicals, simple sugar, and those that are high in the bad fats, will help keep our liver from getting
clogged up.
All for now.
Make sure to take Care
of Your Best Friend, You!
Your Friend and Coach